Samsung Electronics on Wednesday launched the 970 Pro and Evo third generation industry-leading consumer solid state drive (SSD) line-up in the Indian market. The new generation of SSDs is aimed at tech enthusiasts, professionals, gamers, videographers, VFX designers.
The 970 Evo will come in 250GB, 500GB, 1TB and 2TB capacities, and 970 Pro will be available in 512GB and 1TB capacities. The two will be available for purchase in May, starting at Rs 29,000 and Rs 10,500, respectively.
"The new line-up is aimed at consumers looking for ground breaking performance and high-power efficiency while processing massive volumes of data including 3D, 4K graphics work, high-end games and data analytics," said Sukesh Jain, Senior Vice President, IT & Mobile Enterprise Business, Samsung India. "These latest SSD offerings further reinforce our commitment towards bringing in meaningful innovations in the SSD space and drive growth of the overall memory industry for years to come," he added.
The 970 series is said to maximise the potential of NVMe bandwidth, delivering unparalleled performance for processing large volumes of data, including 3D, 4K graphics work, high-end games and data analytics. There is also the Dynamic Thermal Guard technology that safeguards against overheating by automatically monitoring and maintaining optimal operating temperatures, while a heat spreader and new nickel-coated controller further lower the SSD temperatures. The SSDs come with a five-year warranty or up to 1,200TB written, 50 percent higher than those provided for the previous generation SSDs.
The 970 Pro enables sequential read speed of up to 3,500MBps and sequential write speed of up to 2,700 MBps. Evo features sequential read speeds of up to 3,500MBps and sequential write speed of up to 2,500MBps. The sequential write speeds represent an enhancement of up to 30 percent over the previous generation owing to the latest V-NAND technology and the newly designed Phoenix controller. Samsung says the 970 Evo uses the Intelligent TurboWrite technology, which uses a large buffer size of up to 78GB to enable faster write speeds.
Samsung Electronics with 14.2 percent share surpassed Intel as the top vendor for the global semiconductor market in 2017 - a feat that took 25 years to happen - Gartner said earlier this week. The memory market surged nearly $50 billion to reach $130 billion (roughly Rs. ) in 2017 - a 61.8 percent increase from 2016. Samsung's memory revenue alone increased nearly $20 billion in 2017, moving the company into the top spot in 2017.
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